"You should...Jesus would!"

Episode 12 June 04, 2021 00:14:12
"You should...Jesus would!"
Thinking It Through: Village Church East
"You should...Jesus would!"

Jun 04 2021 | 00:14:12


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Can we know what Jesus would really do in our culture?

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Speaker 0 00:00:05 Greetings and welcome back to thinking it through. I'm your host, Greg Jarvis. This is a podcast put out by village church east that deals with cultural changes and tries to look at them all through the mind of Christ. I have a question for you today and here it is. Have you ever felt manipulated to do something? Has anyone ever tried to manipulate you to do something? What links did they go to? Hey, listen, has anyone ever gotten to this extreme, anyone ever gotten to the point of trying to manipulate you with a phrase, Hey, listen, you should do this because Jesus would do this. That's an extreme, isn't it. Speaker 1 00:00:40 I watched a newscast a while ago. The newscasters, I think sometimes confuse themselves as theologians. They wax eloquently and bring so often Jesus into the conversation to give it a little bit of extra oomph. On this particular day, the newscaster was talking with somebody else about an event that had just happened involving his take on a news event that he was covering the news anchor clearly did not appreciate the way that the story went down. So he invited a group, a panel on his show and got their take on it. And the whole panel ended up agreeing with the newscasters side of the story. As the conversation with the panel progressed, the news anchor inserted himself just a little bit too much into the conversation and it no longer became a news story. Now it was clearly personal to him. The newscaster finally had enough discussion, discussion and proclaimed boldly. Speaker 1 00:01:27 At one point they should stop and they should behave differently because that's what Jesus would do. Do you have any idea how amazingly manipulative that phrases? Basically I can attach my favorite cause or passion to just about anything I want. And if I insert that phrase, it gives my cause and my passion a little bit more oomph. And because I'm banking that people liked Jesus, I can even bring him onto my side of the conversation. I can use Jesus to make my point. I can shut down further dialogue or discussion by bringing in Jesus' name. And who's going to argue with that. Has anyone ever tried to use that phrase to manipulate a conversation with you? Is it really possible by the way, to know what Jesus would do? What? Cause he would support what conversations he would engage in what opinion he would back. Speaker 1 00:02:14 Now, I know our immediate response is followers of Jesus. When you hear that question for me is yes, I can know what Jesus would do. God can communicate that truth to me in my heart. I can know this because Jesus captures my thoughts. I bought a WWJD bracelet for that very purpose. Well, if you have a WWJD bracelet, then you know that acronym stands for what would Jesus do? This is a movement actually that began in 1989 at Calvary reform church in Holland, Michigan, a group of young people were studying a a hundred year old book called in his steps, a great book, by the way, they wanted to recreate in their group, a hunger for God by asking what would Jesus do in every circumstance? Every day situations, their intent was very admirable. They wanted to put the mind of Christ in every decision they made. Speaker 1 00:02:59 They introduced the phrase and we all bought the bracelets, but can we really know what Jesus would do in every circumstance? Every situation let's say I'm late for a meeting with somebody who needs my help. I've promised them my time and I've sat. I'll meet them somewhere. I pass a guy who has a flat tire on the side of the road. Now would Jesus stand up the person waiting for him or, and, and help the guy out who has a flat tire or would he say that person who has a flat tire can handle it? They got a cell phone. They look like they're, they're not really in desperate need. And somebody will come along and help them. What would Jesus do? What do you stop and help? Or would he go on to his meeting and not stand his buddy up? How about if my church has supporting a ministry, I've committed to help out financially every month, but my daughter just had a car crash. Speaker 1 00:03:42 She's in the hospital. My medical bills are piling up. What do I do? What would Jesus do? She needs my financial help, but I've promised my financial help to go to this. Cause I can't afford to do both. What would Jesus do? I don't mean you should put away your bracelet. It's a great reminder that we need to continue to struggle with this question. But culture today, Christ followers and non Christ followers, non followers of Jesus have grabbed a hold of this phrase and attached it to validate everything that gets them activate. And in that these changing issues in our world today simply don't reflect what Jesus Jesus was dealing with in his world. Like here's, here's some questions I have for you. Would Jesus smoke marijuana? I know, I know. I just made you hit the gas pedal a little harder there, right? What? Speaker 1 00:04:29 Jesus, March with BLM. When Jesus puts solar panels on his house, what Jesus by clothing he thought was made by children in sweat shops, would Jesus own a gun? Would Jesus kiss a girl on a date with Jesus go to a pro gay church. There was no church in Jesus' day, by the way, would Jesus be Democrat or Republican while there was no voting in Jesus' day? So what would Jesus do? What exactly would Jesus do in these circumstances? Can we honestly know what he would do? Shouldn't we be careful about what we attach Jesus' name to at a hall. I have very close friends. Two years ago, these friends, mocked people who were smoking marijuana saying that it was medicinal for them. They would say two years ago, that's not what Jesus would do. Now. Those same friends are taking marijuana for medicinal or recreational purposes in a recent poll. Speaker 1 00:05:19 70% of Americans believe smoking marijuana is not a cent today. Only 20%. Believe that the Bible says it's wrong. So here's the question. Now that marijuana is legal across most states. Did Jesus change his mind on this? Or did we was this wrong for a follower of Jesus of years ago, but it's okay now or where we just quickly passed judgment on this awhile ago, but now we're more educated on its benefits. Listen, these are tough issues, but when we confidently attached Jesus' name to something, we better be sure about what we're claiming Jesus would or would not do. Do you know, the Pharisees use this exact same thing to try and trap Jesus, this same methodology, but they weren't used Jesus' name. They were using God's name. They would use the old Testament to get to the same place. They would come up to Jesus and say, Hey listen, why would God do in this circumstance? Speaker 1 00:06:09 We think God would do this. What would you you do in their circumstance? They tried to trap him with these questions all the time. In Matthew 22, they tried to trap him on taxes, verse 16. They come to him, they butter him up. Listen to these words, it's kind of funny teacher. We know that you are true and teach the way of God truthfully. They didn't believe that for a minute, but they're trying to butter. And you do not care about anyone's opinion for you are not swayed by appearances. Can you hear it? Uh, in other words, you're only interested in doing what God would do. Nothing gets you off course, but there's something that we have to do as people who are occupied by Rome, we don't agree with them doing, and here's what it is for 17. Tell us then what do you think? Speaker 1 00:06:54 Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar or not? What they're saying is would God pay taxes to a pagan king or not? What they were saying was they have these, this money and they have to give it to Rome that Rome had killed, stolen their land that raped their women, burn their homesteads. God entrusts us with the strength and the ability to make money and trust it to us. He wants us to be good stewards. Should we give roam? The money God gives to us in the old Testament taxes were given to the temple or the tabernacle, and it was distributed to help those in need to support priests who were weren't able to work. There was no foreign government that they had to support. So the old Testament didn't say a whole lot of this. It just said, because taxes were taken first second for purpose altogether. Speaker 1 00:07:39 So they're questioned to Jesus. Trying to trap him was should we take God's mending money meant to support those in need in our nation and the ability of our nation to thrive. And should we give it to a rotten foreign pagan idol or shipping entity run by a Cesar who literally thinks he's God, what would God do? And then Jesus answers in verse 18, aware of their malice. Jesus said, why do you put me to the test? You hypocrites. He sees right through them. He knows they're pulling what would God do test on him so they could trap him so they could make him sound incoming assistant. So he asked for a coin in verse 19, show me a coin for the taxi says, and they brought him a denarius. And then when they gave him this coin, he looks at the picture on it. Speaker 1 00:08:22 And he said to them, who's likeness and inscription is this. And they said in verse 21 Caesars. And then he said to them, therefore render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God, the things that are God's, you know what he's saying? We lose it in translation. What he's saying is who owns this money? And they said, the one whose picture is on it Caesar. And then he said, who owns your heart? The one you're devoted to in the depths of your being give to Caesar, the things that are Caesar's and to God, the things that are gods Jesus always goes to the heart of the matter. Jesus answered to the greatest commandment. What is it is love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, all your strength. The heart of the matter is the key. Speaker 1 00:09:06 And the two repetitive phrases that Jesus used constantly in his ministry are a great place to ant to land for us. What would Jesus do? Well, what he would do is what he constantly said to him. He constantly said these two phrases, haven't you read? And truly I say to you, do you know what we take from those two phrases? Jesus always points to God's word, not our emotions about a subject. Jesus always goes directly to the heart of the matter, not the cause of the day. We have a tendency to go right to our emotions. You shouldn't do blank because Jesus wouldn't do that. You should do blank because Jesus would do that. Jesus counters our run to the seat of emotions. By giving us a more solid foundation. He begins and ends with the word of God. The sermon on the Mount in Matthew five to seven, this is the longest single message we have from Jesus. Speaker 1 00:09:54 He constantly refers to the law and the prophets. When you hear law and profits from Jesus, think old Testament, the religious rulers of the day had twisted God's word into something that benefited them. Jesus was using his sermon to get to the heart of the matter. He said at the end of this sermon on the Mount, there were two people building houses. The houses that they built are the law, like the lives that we build, a person built his life, his house on the sand. And when the storms came, it destroyed the house. It couldn't withstand and the storms, but a wise person built his house, his life on a firm foundation, a rock, and the storms came in the hosted fast. And then he says, everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who builds his house on the rock? Speaker 1 00:10:43 The bottom line is Jesus has given us words to live by and they are found in the Bible. Jesus himself said, humans shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God, this is why Jesus refer is referred to in the Bible. As the word of God, he doesn't leave us without an answer to what would Jesus do? His advice would always be stick to the firm foundation, stand in God's word, build your life on it, because that is what Jesus would do. What can we know what Jesus would do for sure? Well, truths are stated in the Bible and his character is displayed in the Bible. And the bottom line is we should think long and hard about what cause or mission gets us cranked up. Before we try to attach Jesus' name to anything, to try and manipulate others, to jump on board with us. Speaker 1 00:11:28 Is it wrong to ask the question? What would Jesus do? Absolutely not. But before you answer that question, be sure your own preferences. Aren't attached to the answer. Be careful what you confidently say Jesus would or would not do truth. Be told this is dangerously close to breaking the third command in the 10 commandments. The third one says, don't take the name of the Lord. Your God. In vain. We typically say that's like swearing using God's name as a swear word. It's not only it's attaching God's name to your favorite. Cause to give it more oomph, it's using God's name to elevate a cause a mission, a personal agenda, or to manipulate someone else to do something you want them to do. My advice is play it safe. The next time somebody looks to put you in your place with a that's what Jesus would do, situation phrase, do exactly what Jesus did do. Speaker 1 00:12:18 Start your answer with having you read or God's word says, go to the unchanging word of God. Everything you need is already there. Second Timothy three, 16 and 17 says all scripture is breathed out by God and is profitable for teaching for reproof, for correction and for training in righteousness that the man or the woman of God may be complete equipped for every good work. God's word is all we need. I'd love to see a newscaster stopped dead in their tracks. The next time they pulled up, that's what Jesus would do. Mantra. I'd love to see a person on their panel, just stop and say, you know what? Let's find out and pull out a Bible and read directly from God's word. Everything we need to know is in there to equip us for every good work. You'll be surprised at how it communicates the Bible communicates to every changing culture. You know what? I just figured out. I do know what Jesus would do. I just figured it out. I think Jesus would always start his answers with having you read or as it is Speaker 0 00:13:14 Britain. And so should we, every person should be able to give an answer for the hope that is within him. And the Bible has given to us for that very purpose. God doesn't hide what he wants us to do. It's just that sometimes we don't prefer to do it all that much. What if there's a gray area? Just let it be stick with the truth. God's revealed word doesn't mean yard helped to make it any better than it already is. It's been great. Dissecting this phrase with you. Life travelers. If you've enjoyed this, you can visit us online at village church, east.org. Make sure the next time you hear it. That's what Jesus would do. Take a moment to find out if it's true, go straight to the source. And remember Jesus always allowed lots of grace to fill the conversations. And so should we, I hope that you'll join me again. The next time we spend time thinking it through until then we'll see an accident.

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